Thursday, April 10, 2008

Constrains WIP feedback wanted

Users: Allow for 1 to 3 people max, anymore might cause damage to the wall if group is to rough with the wall. Wall has to be build to be robust enough to handle hits and taps.

Physical : There will be those constraints related to physically building the structure for the wall. In terms of size we will be limited to what spaces are available for the display as well as the location thereof. One way to over come this is to build a wall that can be dissembled and easily reassembled. We have considered building the wall at a different location if this is possible, as there might not be enough room provided at the university. There is also the option of building a shorter wall that could be mounted onto a wall aprox 1 meter off the ground.

Location: Best scenario would be away from entry ways and doors. If mounted sufficient wall space will be needed.

Materials: Other physical constraints to take into consideration will be the types of materials used to build structure. At the moment we are looking at soft rubber or foam attached to a lightweight frame, al-foil, wires and some type of soft material or sheeting for the outer cover. We are aiming at using simple materials and technologies for this project in order to keep our budget to a minimum,

Skills: There will be the issue of scripting games and actions for users to interact with. This is probably the teams weakest point as we are still at a basic level in our abilities. We will have to consider this learning curve in our project plan. We have already allocated team members for this task. There are a lot of resources online and with the help of our tutors we hope to overcome this.

Time: This applies to every one, so with careful planning we should be able to achieve our goal. In order to cope with the relatively short time left we have split the project into two separate aspects: the physical and the technical/scripting side. Two team members will take responsibility for each, whiles still providing support for the other members.

Content: We will still need to figure out what music or ‘flash- code -content’ we want to incorporate and how. At this stage we are still working out a few things due to difficulty on finally deciding on an idea. We are however quite happy with sticking to this idea and the way we envisage its uses. We are hoping to encourage a more exploratory and ‘fun’ experience with users through a multimodal experience (touch and sound).

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