Monday, April 28, 2008

Design Process 8D

Some pics that will make the report look spiffy!!1!

This is all needed button functions written out in detail. The post-its on the side represent the objects needed and the functions they need are attached to them.

Here I put the objects and tagged them all in how they will be relating to each other. I think this will come in handy when trying to keep track of what will be affecting each other and as the actionScript progresses instead of just function names, code will be up on the wall too.
I wanted a digital version to try and make it clearer, but I perhaps should have scanned it instead. This took me 2 hours, but taking and re-placing all the tags seemed fiddlier at the time.

Next is to put the button and related functions and that in a table later on 2night. I keep using up 3505 time for ienv.

Dinnargh for me. Char Siu Sauce rocks!

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